Design for Users and No one else

After reading the UX case study of redesigning the New York Times app with a new feature called Timely, which provides quick-read articles tailored to the user's schedule and preferences. Here are three things to learn from the design thinking process:

Understanding The Problem

The first thing is to understand the problem and the user's needs. The article shows how the designer conducted user research, interviews, surveys, and personas to identify the pain points and goals of the users. The designer also analyzed the existing app and its competitors to find out the gaps and opportunities for improvement.


The second thing is to ideate and prototype possible solutions. The article illustrates how the designer brainstormed 15 different ideas that could address the user's needs and enhance their experience. This means to never limit your ideas and creat as many as possible ideas to solve your problem.


The third thing is to iterate and refine the design based on user feedback and data. The article demonstrates how the designer made changes and improvements to the design based on the user testing results and analytics. After showing the VP of design their initial Calendar view, they had to iterate and change it to a portrait as 96% of users make use of this and the calendar view won't work.